All Decision Making Articles

This is a complete list of articles I have written on decision making. Enjoy!

Combined Arms Dilemma – Make sure your enemy is always wrong

Summary: A Combined Arms Dilemma puts your competition into a bind where they have no good choices  You can do this by finding the two most important areas where you compete and pressuring those hard to force your competition’s hand.   WAR   Imagine that...

Economies of Force – the military principle to do LESS

SUMMARY Any dollar or hour of time spent on things that aren’t advancing your biggest opportunity should be pulled, until your biggest opportunity is well-funded and staffed.  You will need to say no to good teams with good ideas.  It is the leader's responsibility to...

Massing – Winning at the decisive point

Summery: The principle of massing is to concentrate as much of your resources as possible on a decisive point to give yourself an overall advantage over your competition.  This means limiting resources going to other areas that could use them.  If you had to win in...

OODA Loop – Developing your decision making

Summary: Good decisions are made by people who have done a deep analysis of the most relevant information and who have experience with similar situations. Develop your observation by deliberately seeking the information you need to make the next decision. Develop your...

OODA Loop – The Marine Corps rapid decision making process

Summary: OODA Loop is a four step process that is constantly happening and driving all decision making Observe - intake information from your environment Orient - process information Decide - decide on what you need to do Act - take the action to make your changes in...